5 Easy Exercises to Help Induce Labor at Home

If you’re in your ninth month and ready to go into labor, we’ve got just the thing for you. We’ve rounded up five easy exercises to induce labor and get your baby into your arms sooner. Though not a parent myself, I remember joining my sister in some yoga classes to ensure that she wouldn’t have any problems with my niece. And I have to say, while little Avery came a little earlier than expected, she also came out quite quickly.
These exercises are easy to do in the comfort of your home and require no complicated or expensive equipment. Whether you’re a new parent or already have a little one (or several), this selection of effective exercises can help. So, if you want to get labor started, read on to learn more.
1. Ball Exercises to Induce Labor
Circular Hip Rotations
A medicine ball is a versatile fitness tool that can help you perform a range of exercises effective at inducing labor. One of the simplest exercises you can do is circular hip rotations. Start by standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and hold a medicine ball in your hands. Once you are in position, rotate your hips in a circular motion while still gripping the ball. This should be done slowly, controlled, and continuously for 30 seconds to one minute.
Another great option is to perform squats with a ball. First, hold the medicine ball in front of your body with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart and your spine straight. Next, slowly lower into a squatting position, keeping your chest lifted. Finally, press through your heels and return to a standing position. Do 10-15 repetitions of this exercise.
Alternating Lunges
Alternating lunges are also an effective exercise for helping to induce labor naturally, as they help open up the pelvis and put pressure on areas known to cause contractions. Start by holding the medicine ball in front of your chest with both hands, then step forward with one leg and lower into a lunge position until both knees form right angles. Make sure your front knee doesn’t extend past your ankle. Next, push back off the ground with the heel of your front foot while bringing the medicine ball back to the starting position, then repeat the same steps on the other side, alternating between legs for 10-15 repetitions total.
2. Walking
If you are feeling up for it, taking walks is another excellent way to help stimulate labor naturally. Taking walks is an effective way to help progress labor as it can stimulate contractions and also help move things along once labor has started. Start by walking for 5-10 minutes at a time, gradually increasing the time spent walking each day. Take breaks as needed and stay hydrated throughout this exercise regimen. As labor progresses, try increasing the intensity of your walks by adding some incline (walking up hills or stairs) or trying out different terrains like grass or gravel trails instead of just concrete sidewalks or paths.
3. Stair Climbing
Climbing stairs is another great exercise that helps increase pressure on key areas known to induce labor contractions (such as the cervix and uterus) and is fairly easy to do if you have access to stairs at home or nearby. For your safety, though, it’s recommended that you start slow and only climb one or two flights at a time in an attempt not to tire yourself out too quickly. As labor progresses, you can increase the intensity of this exercise by increasing how many flights of stairs you’re climbing per session (aiming for 8-10 flights total). If you don’t have stairs in your house, you can try walking on an incline treadmill or small hill outdoors.
4. Yoga Exercises to Induce Labor
Cat Cow
Yoga is an effective type of exercise to help induce labor naturally. Specific poses like cat/cow stretch help stretch out the pelvic floor muscles and increase blood flow throughout the area, which can help stimulate contractions and encourage cervix dilation. Begin by getting onto all fours on a yoga mat or soft surface like carpeting. Next, alternate between arching your back (like a cat) and rounding it outward and tucking your chin to your chest (like a cow), breathing deeply throughout each pose for 5-10 breaths each set. Once you’ve done this, transition into another pose, like a child’s pose or squatting.
Child’s Pose
Child’s pose is an excellent yoga position that can alleviate tense muscles and apply mild pressure on regions recognized to prompt contractions during labor, including the lower back, hips, and abdomen. To get into a child’s pose, kneel on the floor and sit back on your heels, then exhale and fold forward. Reach forward and place your hands on the ground; it may be more comfortable to place some cushions in front of you to support your head and chest. Relax your arms and shoulders and breathe deeply for six to eight cycles. Coupled with the exercises mentioned earlier, stretching in this position is an effective method of naturally inducing labor. Aim for doing it 5-10 times per session with five deep breaths taken during each repetition for best results.
Squatting is another great yoga pose to help induce labor, as it helps open pelvic joints. To perform this position accurately, stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and position your hands in a prayer stance over your chest. Then, gradually lower yourself into a shallow squatting position before rising back up slowly while extending your arms above your head. Aim for ten repetitions total during each yoga session while focusing on breathing deeply for best results.
5. Pelvic Rocking
The final exercise of this post that can facilitate natural labor induction at home is pelvic rocking. This entails gently swaying back and forth while lying on either side or sitting upright in bed or on a chair. First, press your thighs together firmly while leaning forward slightly, then gently rock side-to-side while maintaining good posture and breathing deeply. This helps reduce tension while also putting pressure on key areas known to cause contractions during labor. Aim for ten repetitions during each session, starting slowly before gradually increasing intensity as needed.
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